Sunday, November 25, 2007

Gal stuff...

Heya people!
today, i was on a study tour so theres not too much to write.. So instead i'm posting some advive about girls and how to deal with them...

1. Whatever you do, don't just show up at her house...she runs around in her underwear just like we do.
2. DON'T CHEAT ON HER. It may seem foolproof, but girls tell each other everything about everything. Trust me, she WILL find out and you will be mud.
3. Beware of every single male relative and all guy friends. Any of them would kick your ass at the drop of a hat, and a lot of them wouldn't even wait for the damn hat.
4. Never miss an opportunity to tell her she's beautiful.
5. Don't refuse to kiss her in front of your friends. If they laugh at you, it's just because they're jealous.
6. If she slaps you hard, you deserved it.
7. Don't be afraid to touch her if you want to. If she's going out with you in the first place, it's because she likes being in your arms.
8. If you don't sleep with her, DON'T tell your friends that you did.
8..5 If you DO sleep with her, DON'T tell your friends that you did.
9. You can be dirty minded in private, really...most of them are not offended by it...
10. Not all of them eat like birds, a lot of them can eat like whales.
11. Most of them don't mind paying half of everything, but they do discuss these things with their friends. Realize that if you make your girlfriend pay half all the time, everyone will know about it and your friends will know you're a pussy..
11.5 Do you honestly need all your money that much? Be a man, pay all the time!
12. Every girl should eventually get three things from her boyfriend- a stuffed animal, one of his sweatshirts, and a really pretty ring. Even if it's not a serious relationship.
13. Make sure she gets home safely as often as you can. If you're dropping her off, walk her to the door. If you aren't dropping her off, call to be sure she's home safely.
14. If a guy is bothering her, it is your right to beat the living daylights out of him.
15. If you're talking to a female friend of yours, pull your girlfriend closer.
16. Never, EVER slap her, even if it's just in a joking way. Even if she swats you first, and says, "Oh, you're so dumb" or something, never make any gestures back.
17. Go to a chick flick once in a while. She doesn't care whether you enjoy it or not, it just matters that you went.
18. You're dead meat if you can't get along with their pets, parents, and best friends. Be prince charming to their friends, Mr. Polite to their parents, and make sure to be nice to their animals.
19. Don't flirt with their moms...that's just freaky.
20. Don't be freaked out by PMS. It's not gross, and it really does make them feel like shit, so be understanding.
21. If you don't like the way they drive, you do it.
22. If you're officially dating, and you're introducing her to your friends, you'd better damn well introduce her as your girlfriend.
23. Don't stress where you go for every date. They really only want to be with you.
24. If they complain that something hurts, rub it for them without being asked.
25. Girls are fragile. Even if you're play fighting/wrestling, be very gentle.
26. Memorize their goddamned birthdays. You forget her birthday and you're basically screwed for life. Same goes for Valentine's day, friendship day, n any other day that's important for girls. Be the FIRST to wish them!
27. Don't marinade the cologne, but smell good.
28. Don't give her something stupid for her birthday or Christmas or Valentine's day. It doesn't have to be expensive, but it has to be meaningful. Jewelry is always nice. ( not applicable for all)
29. If you think the relationship isn't going to last, don't wait to find out. It will only hurt you more if you draw it out.
30. After you've been dating for a while, realize that they really have started to trust you. When you have a girlfriend who truly trusts you, you have a lot more responsibility, privilege and control than you would think. Be careful with it, most guys would kill for that kind of power, and it can be lost in a nanosecond.
And if you'e a girl, you probably would agree that these points are kinda accurate...
Hope it can come in some use!


Unknown said...

thats a research buddy.... cool going... its nice to getta know guys {not all} can also be understanding...
wow relationship hasnt gone in vain....
cool stuff n ya most important of all..bloody damn accurate n MEANINGFUL...
may u be the guiding light for other guys..

Unknown said...

being PuSSy pays wen u r OLD....!!!

Unknown said...

DuDe.... where did you learn all such stuff abt gals eh??? Well the whole thing was fine... funny... and am sure those tips are gonna work for any guy.....
And ya.... you forgot ta mention one point....
Chao.... nice work.....

Arjun M said...

Ya rite... More like, "never give the sweet that she gave you back to her because you didnt carry your bag!"... " because she may eat it herself! "

Pooja ...... said...

Awwwww !! tht was an almost perfect list *pats author on da back* :D:D well alright . maybe it WAS perfect *grins* ... u totally nailed it thr dude . i wish ALL guys knew this *sighs* anywayz keep bloggin . peace !

P.S : are u single ? *wink wink*

Anonymous said...

hey wat all u've ritten s truth bt i wud like to say dat u act acc to wat u've ritten.i mean u behave the same way wid grls. gr8 goin ha.... keep it goin...

zain said...

wot all u've said is true!!!!!! whr do u get such ideas???!!! he he..

falguni said...

ok.. bow down to ur superior intelligence pretty accurate stuff n somehow it has a lot more insight than guys usually have.. really i'm truly speechless guess u do have depth..